
fun RunScope.aside(render: AsideRenderScope.() -> Unit)

A one-off render block that can be triggered within a block.

Occasionally, it is useful to generate a bit of extra text that doesn't really belong in the main rendering area. An aside call looks like:

section {
textLine("Main render text")
}.run {
aside { textLine("Aside text") }

For example, you could use an aside block in a text adventure game, where there was a main area describing the current room with asides used to output the result of user actions:

val gameEngine = ...
section {
textLine("Your move?")
for (choice in gameEngine.choices()) {
text("* "); textLine(choice)
}.runUntilSignal {
onInputEntered {
val result = gameEngine.handle(input); clearInput()
aside { textLine(result) }
if (gameEngine.shouldQuit) {
} else {
rerender() // The game engine state changed, update the section!

which might generate output like:

You moved north.            <-- From aside
You picked up a torch. <-- From aside
You moved east. <-- From aside

▼ The active rendering area begins here ▼
You are in a big room with three doors, one to the west,
one to the east, and one to the north. There is a coin
on the floor.

Your move?
* go east
* go west
* go north
* pick up coin
pick up co█

The aside block essentially prepends text in front of the active, constantly repainting block. It gives the user the illusion that there's a main rendering area that spits out historical, static text in its wake as a side effect of it running.

A compiler program could be another good example of this -- you might have a spinner plus some text saying which file is currently being compiled, with finished files output using asides.