Package-level declarations


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class Cols

A column specification for a grid.

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class GridCharacters(val horiz: Char, val vert: Char, val topLeft: Char, val topCross: Char, val topRight: Char, val leftCross: Char, val cross: Char, val rightCross: Char, val botLeft: Char, val botCross: Char, val botRight: Char)

A list of ASCII characters which define a grid's borders.

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class GridScope(cols: Cols)

A scope used when constructing a grid, allowing the user to declare cells.


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fun RenderScope.grid(cols: Cols, targetWidth: Int? = null, characters: GridCharacters = GridCharacters.ASCII, paddingLeftRight: Int = 0, justification: Justification = Justification.LEFT, maxCellHeight: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE, render: GridScope.() -> Unit)

Declare a grid of cells.