Package-level declarations


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class TextPtr(val text: CharSequence, charIndex: Int = 0)

A class which points at a character index within a text string, where the index can be incremented and decremented.


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fun TextPtr.readUntil(condition: TextPtr.() -> Boolean): String

Read the current string up until we reach a point where the condition is no longer true.

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fun TextPtr.startsWith(value: Char, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean

Checks if the current text begins with the target character.

fun TextPtr.startsWith(value: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean

Checks if the current text begins with the target string.

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fun TextPtr.substring(length: Int): String

Return a substring for the current text.

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Attempt to read the current text as an integer value, updating the text pointer to point past the read value, or return null if not possible.