Package-level declarations


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class LiveVar<T>

A special variable which can be used to auto-rerender a target Section without needing to call RunScope.rerender yourself.


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Run through a list of Terminal factory methods, attempting to create them in order until the first one succeeds, or, if they all fail, throws an error.

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fun <T> Session.liveVarOf(value: T): LiveVar<T>

Create a LiveVar whose scope is tied to this session.

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fun Section.runUntilSignal(block: suspend RunScope.() -> Unit)

A block that won't finish running until RunScope.signal is called.

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fun session(terminal: Terminal = defaultTerminalProviders.firstSuccess(), clearTerminal: Boolean = false, sectionExceptionHandler: (Throwable) -> Unit = {}, block: Session.() -> Unit)

Create a Kotter session.