Package-level declarations


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class LiveList<T> : MutableList<T>

Like LiveVar, but for lists.

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class LiveMap<K, V> : MutableMap<K, V>

Like LiveVar, but for maps.

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class LiveSet<T> : MutableSet<T>

Like LiveVar, but for sets.


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fun <T> Session.liveListOf(vararg elements: T): LiveList<T>

Create a LiveList whose scope is tied to this session.

inline fun <T> Session.liveListOf(elements: Iterable<T>): LiveList<T>
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fun <K, V> Session.liveMapOf(vararg elements: Pair<K, V>): LiveMap<K, V>

Create a LiveMap whose scope is tied to this session.

fun <K, V> Session.liveMapOf(elements: Iterable<Pair<K, V>>): LiveMap<K, V>
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fun <T> Session.liveSetOf(vararg elements: T): LiveSet<T>

Create a LiveSet whose scope is tied to this session.

inline fun <T> Session.liveSetOf(elements: Iterable<T>): LiveSet<T>